02404-9573838  Navi Reparatur - Auf dem Wirth 10 - 52477 Alsdorf - Germany

No Sound in Audi A3 8V0 MMI unit MIB Navi Repair

Professionelle & Günstige Navi Reparatur

No Sound in Audi A3 8V0 MMI unit MIB Navi Repair Service 8V0 035 034 A
I own an Audi A3 8V year 2014 and I"m having a sound issue for a couple of weeks with my car. Sometimes it plays well (all 4 speakers, although the rear ones sounds a bit low) and on the same day when switched off the car and on again, there is no sound from all speakers. On some days there are no sound at all. My warning (parking sensors beep etc ) when doing parking works fine. The MMI is powered correctly and the display is works perfectly, detects well all radio channels correctly and even the bluetooth connection with my phone is correctly established with access to my phone directory etc. but no sound can be played from my phone, CD, hard disk etc. I have also noticed that the MIB when pulled out is very hot at the bottom. Don"t know if this is normal. I also checked all 3 fuses which are related to the MMI and they are OK. I suspect the built-in amp in the MIB could be the culprit. I don"t have the Bose or B&O model; it"s the Audi model. The model of the MIB 1 is: 8V0 035 034 A

Das Gerät kann gerne zum Prüfen / Reparatur eingeschickt werden! Danke

Wir reparieren Ihr defektes Gerät!

Perfekte Originale Qualität. Sie müssen nicht gleich ein neues Gerät kaufen! Durch unserer Reparatur wird Ihr Navigationsgerät wieder voll Funktionsfähig.

Gerät bitte zur Analyse / Reparatur einschicken. Danke.


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Audi MMI MainUnit 8U0 035 666C - Das Paktet ist angekommen - das Radio ist wieder eingebaut  und alles funktioniert wieder - vielen herzlichen Dank nochmal.
Schöne Grüße aus dem Schwarzwald

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krMedia Services
Auf dem Wirth 10
52477 Alsdorf

Harman MIB Reparatur


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