Audi MM 8V0035043E Harman MIB no Sound Navi Repair
Professionelle & Günstige Navi Reparatur
Audi MM 8V0035043E Harman MIB no Sound Navi Repair
So, few month ago I started to have problems with video on MMI. First video went on and off for few second but days later problem got worst and video was gone for a, minute or longer. Meanwhile sound was all good. I went to service and they said it was a, problem with a video cable. They replaced it, but no chance, problem still remained. Since service said there is nothing else to do but to change everything, and that cost like half the car, it started to think what else to do. Meanwhile (after a week) video problems disappeared by itself and everything was good until 2 weeks ago. I started the car and whole sound was off (media, radio, navigation and Bluetooth), nothing work, but video was OK. Went to service again, they said there is no error, so they can't do anything. Than I found a number of Mi o Karaman (he said to say he gave me your number) and he said that maybe problem will be resolved with a new software update, but if not I should contact you. New software I'd installed but it didn't help, and he said it definitely processor. He explained that processor has 3 hearts (cores) and 2 of them were showing 60 and 70 C and the third -6 C, so that shows that its definitely processor malfunction. I must state that sometimes (very rare) when I start the car (like today) the sound is all good but usually it is not. The serial number of this unit was: 8V0035043E and now after the software update is 8V0035043J
Ja, das ist ein bekannter Fehler. Bitte das Gerät zur Reparatur einschicken!
Wir reparieren Ihr defektes Gerät!
Perfekte Originale Qualität.
Sie müssen nicht gleich ein neues Gerät kaufen! Durch unserer Reparatur wird Ihr Navigationsgerät wieder voll Funktionsfähig.
Gerät bitte zur Analyse / Reparatur einschicken. Danke.
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